Why I’m here.

I decided to start a blog as I have recently started therapy to help with the trauma I have endured, I thought that writing would maybe help in some way…

I have always struggled with my feelings and thoughts and being able to express them to people, especially to people who have not experience any trauma, have depression or anxiety. It can be hard for people to understand how it feels, that it’s more then just a bad day and you can’t just snap out of it, it’s not easy living with CPTSD and it’s ever harder when you have to try and explain the way it feels to people. I will get into more detail around this and my trauma in later posts this is the first one so don’t want to go into it to heavy…

I guess in light of Caroline Flack passing it made me realise that people need to be more aware of them selves and there words but that maybe we the sufferers also need to try and reach out and educate people.

So here I am writing my first ever blog, not expecting much or for anyone to overly care, but this is for me and maybe it will reach a few people and help them, who knows.

Be kind